Happpi PHP Library


Returns the path to the Install sheet for the part.

Return Type


Required Parameters


Optional Parameters



    $part->setPartID(int $value)


<!-- getInstallSheet() -->
	require_once('libraries/happpi/LoadAll.php'); // points to the LoadAll.php file for loading the library.

	// once the library is required, you can now use one of the main "interaction" classes.
	// These interaction classes contain methods that get information from our REST API and
	// converts them to PHP objects for you to use.
	$Part = new CurtPart(); // create new part object to gain access to its functions.
	$Part->setPartID(11000); // set the required dependency of partID to get the install sheet.
	$installSheetPath = $Part->getInstallSheet(); // call getInstallSheet to get the install sheet path

	echo "<h2>Install sheet for part 11000</h2>";	
	echo '<a href="' . $installSheetPath . '">Install Sheet Link</a>'; // pass the path into the href of the anchor tag.
	echo "<br />";