Happpi PHP Library


Retrieves a list of connector parts for a specific vehicle.

Return Type

Array of type: CurtPart

Required Parameters


Optional Parameters



    $vehicle->setYear(string $value)
    $vehicle->setMake(string $value)
    $vehicle->setModel(string $value)
    $vehicle->setStyle(string $value)


    $vehicle->setVehicleID(int $value)


	require_once('libraries/happpi/LoadAll.php'); // points to the LoadAll.php file for loading the library.

	// once the library is required, you can now use one of the main "interaction" classes.
	// These interaction classes contain methods that get information from our REST API and
	// converts them to PHP objects for you to use.
	$vehicle = new CurtVehicle(); // create new vehicle object to gain access to its functions.

	$vehicle->setMount("rear"); // set optional "dependency" of mount.
	$vehicle->setYear(2010); // set dependency of year.
	$vehicle->setMake("Ford"); // set dependency of make.
	$vehicle->setModel("F-150"); // set dependency of model.
	$vehicle->setStyle("Styleside or Supercrew"); // set dependency of style.
	$myVehicle = $vehicle->getVehicle(); // call getVehicle which returns a CurtVehicle object.

	echo "<h2>Connectors for Vehicle ID: " . $myVehicle->getVehicleID() .  "</h2>";// get the vehicleID showing a new CurVehicle object was returned.
	$connectorsForMyVehicle = $myVehicle->getConnector(); // call getParts which returns a list of parts for the vehicle.
	foreach($connectorsForMyVehicle as $connnector){ // step through the list of parts
		echo $connnector->getShortDesc(); //display the short description for each part.
		echo "<br />";